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Let's Raise Your Resting Metabolic Rate (metabolism)

As a personal trainer and a health expert, I have had numerous talks with my clients and people about how the metabolism works and how to raise it.

Your metabolism is also called your resting metabolic rate, or RMR for short. Sometime it is called basal metabolic rate, or BMR for short, which is very similar but the mechanism for testing RMR are less complex.

For more detailed information about RMR and BMR check out Ace Fitness Education series.

What Is Resting Metabolic Rate?

Metabolic processes in the body require energy and are comprised of anabolic processes, which build up tissues, and catabolic processes, which break down tissues and fuel sources for energy. The rate at which these processes occur is measured in calories per unit of time, and is most often given in calories per day. -By Mark P. Kelly, Ph.D. Ace Fitness

RMR used as a measure of how many calories you would burn a day if you just laid in bed from morning till night. The higher your resting metabolic rate, the more calories you would burn resting.

For more detailed information about RME and how to calculate yours check out Ace Fitness Education series.

Can you change your Resting Metabolic Rate?

Some factors that influence your resting metabolic rate are in your control and some are not. Not in your control, is your genetics related to metabolism, which can not be changed, but no worries you can increase your metabolism other ways.

Somewhat in your control, is your environment. Environmental factors include consuming a variety of nutritious foods, exercising regularly, sleeping and reducing stress. All of these factors keep your genes (short sections of DNA) healthy and happy, which in turn impacts your metabolism.

The best way to keep a fit body in high gear is to know how your metabolism functions (and how to feed it):

Tried and Tested Ways to Raise Your Metabolic Rate

#1 Eat plenty of fats, protein, and carbs!

They all fuel your energy, brain, hormones, and body in different ways. Under-eating while exercising can slow certain components of your metabolic rate. Your brain adjusts the metabolism everyday by sensing how many calories are going out and coming in and it tries to match that. When you aren't exercising and if you feel lethargic, then you need to eat more.

Your brain adjusts the metabolism everyday by sensing how many calories are going out and coming in and it tries to match that.

The lethargic feeling is your body’s way of conserving energy. Improper nutrition when exercising will put your metabolic rate in a downward spiral and for women it increases your risk of osteoporosis and homormal problems.

#2 Build Muscle Mass.

Probably the most effective way to raise your BMR is to increase your muscle mass. Muscle account for a large portion of your resting metabolic rate because it is the most metabolically active tissue in your body. When you lift weights, heavier weights, there is a breakdown of old muscle protein and synthesis of new muscle protein. During this process your metabolism is working over-time. Once, the process is completed, your daily resting metabolic rates will be significantly raised.

Muscle account for a large portion of your resting metabolic rate because it is the most metabolically active tissue in your body.

To maintain your higher metabolism and a higher calorie burn you will have to make exercise and movement part of your lifestyle, and schedule it in every week. Two or three strength training workouts a week are recommended. Together the workouts should work every major muscle group in your body. Additionally strength training helps prevent or offset muscle loss as you age, so you'll keep you basal metabolism higher for longer.

# 3 Sleep more.

Your body needs time to rest and recover. During rest, your body spend energy repairing vital organs, muscles, the brain, and cells important to metabolism.

Your body needs time to rest and recover.

During deep (REM) sleep, when you are dreaming your brain is working on overdrive. Deep sleep helps your brain digest all of the information that you took in during the day, such as learning a new TRX exercise. So the next time you do the TRX movement it you will have some muscle memory stored. Deep sleep also aids your immune system. It is hard to workout regularly if you keep catching a cold.

# 4 Schedule time off from your exercise routines.

If you have been exercising and eating healthy then schedule some time off every few weeks. Don't stress if your take a few days off from exercise and your weight goes up. Fortunately, the weight gain is usually because of a lagging metabolism and it is likely temporary.

Don't stress if your take a few days off from exercise and your weight goes up.

During a scheduled exercise break, you’re likely in a calorie surplus. During a calories surplus phase your metabolism has not yet adjusted to your new workout routine, such as new weight lifting routine. Once your metabolism recalibrates, the weight should then come off after a few days, depending on how much you need to lose.

# 5 Stress Management.

Listen to your body. Take a yoga class or go for a walk when you feel bogged down. It is important to find ways of focusing on overcoming stress and incorporating simple relaxation techniques into your daily routine. Long-term stress wears down the body at the physical and cellular level. The negative changes from stress could affect our metabolic health and predispose you to conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.


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